Mon-Sat / 9:00 AM - 19:00 PM

Oath Foundation REG. No: IN-DL43250251768526V

Oath Foundation is an effort taken towards the betterment of our society. Oath foundation takes care of people who need food, clothes & shelter. As many people in our society still don’t have these three basic requirements to live their life. The oath foundation tries to help these people.



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80G TAX BENEFITS Avail 50% tax exemption under Section 80G (5) (IV) of Income tax Act 1961

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Shelter for old peoples

we try to help the people who are homeless & don’t have a roof on their heads to stay. we are in oath foundation helps these people by providing them a comfortable place

Food & Clothes For The Children

thousands on children do not get food to eat & clothes to wear. It’s very difficult for them to live without these basic needs. we take care of all these children at oath foundation.

Our Testimonials What People Say

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